Herbalist - Online shop of food supplements, herbs and tea, organic food and natural cosmetic. Since 1990 at your service, online since 2000.

About us

Natsabe is one of the oldest and most famous herbalists in Bologna. Opened in 1990, our store is located in via Andrea Costa, a wide street just outside the city center.
Since the very beginning, we decided to offer our Clients the best products on the market. In 2002, we launched our website and from that moment on, we have never stopped! 

Starting from the first packages shipped from the store, we then moved to a bigger and more spacious warehouse, where we store all the products that we ship all over Europe.

We are still the same herbalist “artisan” we were before: we do not use cheap herbs, indeed we deal with companies who work with the best selection of herbs. All the infusions we sell are homemade.
We only work with well-known supplements companies, which train us and give us the support of doctors and experts.
In the cosmetics and baby’s hygiene branch, we only work with certified companies that guarantee the highest quality for the Client.
Regarding biological food, we pretend the best from our supplier. We want healthy quality products, because it is not the quantity, but the quality that matters.
Natsabe’s mission starts from the name itself: NAT stands for Natura (nature), SA for Salute (Health) and BE for Bellezza (Beauty).

We strongly believe that the natural medicine does not need to be an alternative to the conventional medicine.  In fact, natural medicine is not in an opposition to the conventional medicine, but rather completes it. 

To do so, it is crucial for the natural goods to be in line with the scientific criteria that validate every medical therapy. We believe that most of the diseases we suffer from, can be healed with the right natural remedies. 

Throughout all these years in this field, we have earnt the trust of lots of people. Therefore, we hope we can earn yours as well. 


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