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Snak - La Via del Tè

The company was set up in 1961 through the enterprising spirit of Alfredo Carrai. Alfredo was so fascinated by the world of tea that, despite his tender age, he decided to accept the challenge of introducing into Italy the consumption and culture of a drink that was practically unknown at the time.


Tea is the second most drunk beverage in the world after water. Wars broke out in its name; with tea trade empires and men have thrived; tea has inspired men of letters, poets, philosophes and painters. Millions drink tea, but still few know about tea plant, growing countries, processing methods. Welcome to the enchanting world of tea.

Tea comes from manufacturing of Camellia Sinensis, an ever green plant of Camelliae family, which grows all over the world in tropical and subtropical regions. The two main varieties are Sinensis and Assamica and several hybrids are commonly used. Tea bushes give appreciable crops from the 3rd -5th year on and they undergo to regular prunings to keep them waist height. Final difference in taste and quality is influenced by different climate, altitude, tea variety, crop time and mostly to processing methods.

Best quality comes from picking one bud and the first one or two leaves. All steps, from picking to manufacturing could be made by hands or by machine.

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